
Tuesday, 15 March 2016

Bloom Stories

Who has never bought flowers?

Symbol of harmony, friendliness, softness and happiness, the flowers are widespread in our society. Flowers are used since ancient times for its many qualities: aesthetic, olfactory, medicated. Likewise, they have always been strong symbols. During antiquity, the Greeks associated the flowers to the gods and used them for rituals. Throughout history, the flowers have been represented in the arts as paintings. Occasionally, the flowers are able to have a political symbol: during the French Monarchy, the royalty emblem was a lily. Today they are mainly bought for pleasure or to offer as gift on many occasions (Birthday, Valentine feast, Mother’s day).

This passion for flowers has generated an important market. Totally, it represents £ 2.2 billion in the United-Kingdom, and over 15 000 companies are bound to march flowers.

Despite these figures, the flower market was affected by many external factors. The development of supermarkets, internet sales and the economic crisis no longer allow independent florists to live only for this activity. The market is changing and is now dominated by supermarkets. This context is not favorable to the development of small businesses. Indeed the number of people looking to start a flower business fell 62 % in 2013.

Therefore, organisations have to get used to these changes. How do the organizations manage in this complex environment? What strategies do they use? Is the situation the same for all European countries?

I am a Business Manager of a flower shop and would like to raise awareness of both global as well as local flowers business affairs. I have created this blog with the intention of sharing and discuss about flowers stories with you.


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